Quality Control Organisms
- Features a single microorganism strain in a lyophilized microorganism pellet, ampoule of hydrating fluid and inoculating swab
- Over 900 strains available
- Packs of 2 or 6
- Easy to use – simply re-hydrate the pellet and inoculate
- Over 900 strains available
- Vial of 6
QC Microbiology Slides
- Each slide contains droplets of an air-dried, fixed and preserved organism, or a smear
- Applications: Acid-Fast Stain Controls, Blood Parasites, Tissue Parasites, Intestinal Parasites, Gram Stain Controls, Mycology Controls
- Box of 10 slides
Accredited reference material under ISO 17034 standard.
For full list of product and more product information, please contact us at info@innovatekmed.com.